The following is the original concept for the “closed door” club for the founding members of this organization.
Ancient Warriors are the descendants of the “Originals” – the two most prominent founders and promoters of “Kenpo” in America – who took that special form of self-defense from its infancy to the heights of proficiency and professionalism.
Kenpo, as introduced into America by Ed Parker, was developed and refined into the International Kenpo Karate Association (IKKA), with the indispensable contributions and partnership of his best friend Charles Sullivan (“Chuck”).
Chuck, now Senior Grand Master, who took the traditional “Kenpo” style that he learned from Mr. Parker, as well as helping him develop and expand American Kenpo over the years, modified and enhanced that art even further, advancing it to ever higher levels of sophistication.
Chuck’s progressive development of the original Kenpo style enabled him to transform those fundamental concepts, create new – more efficient and effective techniques, and organize and incorporate this evolution into the structure of his own system: The International Karate Connection Association (IKCA).
Ancient Warriors are the now “senior members” of that special class of martial arts practitioners, who learned directly from the masters – Ed Parker and Chuck Sullivan – over the last half century. And, even to this day, are continuing the learning experience with Chuck – the remaining master/teacher and our best friend – as together we continue our journey into the twilight of our lives.
Membership in the Ancient Warriors is confined to the first 15 Black Belts to be promoted out of the “Crenshaw School” – signifying and celebrating the life-long friendships and bonds of brotherhood that developed, and continues to endure, for over 50 years.

Patch Design/Symbolism:
Large Tiger: Symbolizes the strength of purpose and commitment at the start of a practitioner’s career in the martial arts; also indicative of Youth, Physical Strength, Aggressiveness, and Enthusiasm.
Small Tiger: Signifies the senior and more reflective practitioner; although not as agile, has acquired highly enhanced abilities and experience throughout the years, resulting in superior Wisdom, Strength of Will, Patience, Spirit, Honor, and Courage. (Represented by the Chinese symbols on both sides of the patch.)
Fist Holding the Black Belt: The traditional “Law of the Fist and Empty Hand,” and the 10th Degree Black Belt as the emblematic representation of the never-ending journey in the martial arts.
Chinese Characters:
Left Side:
Right Side:
Family Tree
Edmund K. Parker **** Chuck Sullivan
Chuck Boyd Vic LeRoux Mike O’Terry Curtis Pullium Steve Sanders
John Henderson Dwight Norris Bob Payne George Quinones Carl Schalyo
Leo Le Noe Louis Oliva Stacy Picascia Jack Rizzotto John Walker